Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First day of school

Emily and Abby started school on Monday and Claire had her first day on Tuesday. I have 3 children going to 3 different schools. Luckily I have a good friend in the neighborhood in the same situation so we are carpooling. It is kind of a major coordination effort but once we get it down it will be very helpful!!! The girls had a great first day and are happy with their teachers and school. When I picked up Emily from the new Charter school she is going to she asked me, "When can I go back?" I am taking that as a REALLY good sign her new school is good. I just wish I could get Abby there sooner than next year! the group shot is actually from Em and Ab's second day of school. They are loving wearing their new clothes. Claire had one mishap at school. I had a Dr appt for Harrison and thought I might run over picking up Claire so I had my friend pick her up and sent a lunch so Claire wouldn't be hungry. Claire thought she was going to eat at school and was very upset when she didn't get to. She told me her teacher was mean because she wouldn't let her eat her lunch. She calmed down and they told me about her good day.


Even Better Than the Real Thing said...

Okay, Emily looks sooooo tall. I can't believe we have kids this old. Your girls are beatiful. Miss ya.

Misty said...

How fun is that? Can I just ask - how many outfits did the girls go thru that morning? :)

Amy said...

One picture was taken the first day for Emily and Abby (Monday) and the other pictures were taken Claire's first day (Tuesday) Only Claire claire changes her clothes 5+ times a day.