one of our morning runs
John and Harrison watching the trucks
Me with the truck!
The kid playing in and loving the dirt. Harrison was getting rocks all day.
This weekend we went to a TLCA event and drove trails at Barnwell mountain. It was a little warmer this year so the kids got to get out and play along the trails. John drove some trails in the morning then we watched trucks try to climb "twister" a rough obstacle that tests their trucks. The girls and Harrison all loved to watch the big trucks work their way up it. After that we had lunch and went to watch trucks "race" through the rock garden. We saw a few trucks almost tip over and it was really exciting. I even had to grab Claire out of the way of a truck. Scared us both pretty good. In the after noon I drove on a Powderpuff run and then we did a few harder runs than the powder puff that I got to drive also. They were fun but I still miss Hell's revenge in Moab, my favorite run to drive. We ended the night with a dinner and raffle for the kids and adults. There weren't lots of kids there so each kid got 2 prizes and then they had 2 grand prizes for the kids and Emily won an Ipod Nano. We looked like Christmas walking out of there with 8 prizes and 1 grand prize, that is a benefit of bringing/having 4 kids. We were definitely the biggest family there. All the kid's prizes made up for us getting skunked in the adult raffle we actually bought into. The kids did well on the trip and we had a good time so it was a great weekend.
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