Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Powder Puff Derby

Emily and Abby's girl scout troop participated in their version of the Pinewood Derby. John was busy helping to make 2 cars with the girls. All their hard work paid off because Emily placed 2nd and Abby 3rd for the Nacogdoches troops and then at finals Emily placed 2nd for all of East Texas in the Brownie division. The girls were very excited about the races and even dressed to match their cars. Abby made a really neat alligator car and Emily's was metallic pink with black butterfly rubon decals. I joked when Claire because a Daisy scout we will sweep the race. John is excited to start planning next years cars with the girls. the pictures are: 1) the girls matching their cars. 2) the finalist for Nac 3)with their Dad 4) Troop 1500 5) the finalist winners


Chuck and LeOra said...

We are in Costa Rica having a marvelous time with the Stevenson's. I am practicing comments too. Good job on the Derby! Love you all.

Gramma C

Chuck and LeOra said...

I am trying to show your mom how to put in comments but you don't allow anonymous. Mine does so she can comment. What does she need to do to put comments in yours? LeOra